“La Micaela” Bioenergy Plant

  • Date:05/MAY/1989
  • Customer: La Micaela
  • Location:Carlos Tejedor. Province of Buenos Aires

Transforming Environmental Liabilities into Energy Assets


This project includes the use of a CETEC Gen Set model CDGN 120SA to supply power to a rural area line by means of a 0.4 to 13.2KWatt step up transformer, using biogas from feedlot manure treatment process, equipped with a bio-digester and a treatment plant, provided by Biogas Argentina. The gen set features an automatic parallel system engineered to provide power according to the amount of gas volume available.



Supplied power will be sold to a local utility cooperative company, under an agreement reached pursuant to the plan for the promotion of renewable energies with benefits in rates. The residue of this biological process will be water and high nitrogen fertilizers resulting in a self-sustaining and environmentally friendly energy supply system.




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